The Buyback Letter - Standard Edition

A full-service monthly newsletter with complete instructions on what to invest in and when to invest. The newsletter includes buy, sell and hold instructions for all five of our model portfolios. Additionally you will also receive our weekly market sentiment indicator, all new buyback announcements in real time, Bonus Report; The One Buyback Stock you must own NOW and access to tables tracking portfolio values and the entire history of each portfolio. Your credit card will not be charged for 30 days. You may keep the bonus reports even if you decide to cancel during the trial period. Thereafter your subscription will be automatically renewed until you cancel. Read More..

Buyback Standard – 30-day Free Trial ($195 / year)
Buyback Standard – 30-day Free Trial ($59 / quarter)

The Buyback Letter - Premium Edition

A focused, high-octane strategy presenting a single 5-stock portfolio of the hottest buyback stocks each month. Subscribers get a monthly e-mail hotline with complete buy, sell and hold instructions. You will also receive our Hot List of stocks (typically 20-25 stocks) that get our highest rank for that month. Additionally, you will receive our weekly market sentiment indicator, all new buyback announcements in real time, Bonus Report The One Buyback Stock you must own NOW, and access to tables tracking value and the entire history of the Premium Portfolio. Your credit card will not be charged for 30 days. You may keep the bonus reports even if you decide to cancel during the trial period. Thereafter your subscription will be automatically renewed until you cancel. Read More..

Buyback Premium – 30-day Free Trial ($79 / month)
Buyback Premium – 30-day Free Trial ($199 / quarter)